Congratulation Vietdo Co. Ltd. on completing the production capacity test of a potential US client.

Congratulation Vietdo Co. Ltd. on completing the production capacity test of a potential US client.

29/03/2021 02:50

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Ms. T is the CEO of Vietdo Ltd. Before joining the export industry, Ms. T had spent quite a long time working in the marketing field. As she acknowledged the potential and promising opportunities in the export industry, Ms. T started to join, learn and embark on this field.

Congratulation Vietdo Co. Ltd. on completing the production capacity test of a potential US client.


Ms. T is the CEO of Vietdo Ltd. Before joining the export industry, Ms. T had spent quite a long time working in the marketing field. As she acknowledged the potential and promising opportunities in the export industry, Ms. T started to join, learn and embark on this field.


Ms. T's very first client was introduced by Vietgo, with the order for industrial shoes. Up to now, the client and Ms. T have been working together for over six months.


After a long time working together and through several sample submissions, Ms. T had gained the customer’s trust and satisfaction with the product provided by her company. Looking forward to long-term cooperation, her client hired AQF ( an inspection unit to double-check the production capacity of the factory before officially signing the contract.


On 24/3/2021, the inspection team from AQF visited Ms. T’s factory. First, they conducted a tour around the factory, taking pictures and filming the products. Ms. T was very supportive, explaining specifically the process and the machinery system for the inspection team. With professionalism and expertise, the team conducted a thorough and meticulous inspection.

Images from inspection process


After visiting the factory, the team continued to work with Ms. T to evaluate the company’s portfolio. There were various inquiries and prerequisites concerning the company organization chart, business registration certificate, company policies, payroll and labor contracts, certificate of social responsibility, environmental certificate, stock & warehouse safety management procedure, quality control process, or customer service process, etc.


The AQF inspection team showed great support, explaining the questions and requirements thoroughly, which allowed Ms. T to provide information in great detail.


With meticulous research and preparation, the inspection process was quite a success. Then, Ms.T instantly contacted and reported feedback with the client. At the moment, two parties are discussing related terms and inquiries.


Vietgo congratulates Vietdo Ltd. on successfully passing the client’s capacity test and wishes Vietdo will soon sign the contract with this potential client. 




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